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10 x 1ml Placenta + 0.5ml carbohydrate


Sterilized human placenta


Schimtch from Germany


High technology has discovered a new formula to allow both men and women to look 5 years younger. This formula is able to regenerate the human cell and enhance the elasticity of the skin. This formula can be used both for face and body.


This injection is prepared by means of scientific method extracted from human placenta. The sterilization process assures it does not contain bad tissue contaminants or virus such as inherited diseases and HIV. There are 1 ml of placenta tissue and 0.5 ml of carbohydrate in each vial. This is the purest product extracted from human placenta which can be found in modern medicine.


Can be treated in:

• General diseases of the eye
• Gynaecological diseases
• Skin diseases
• Chronic internal diseases such as keratitis, dyspeptic ulcer, bronchial asthma,chronic hepatitis, acquired deafness, elephantiasis
• Retardation of aging process
• For men: able to regenerate hormone and raise metabolism rate to resist cancer
• For women: able to prolong the period of menstruation before menopause


S.C. (subcutaneous)/underneath skin layer or I.M. (intramuscular) every other day.

1st phase (10 injection)

To administer one to two vials every two days with an interval of a week before the next phase.

2nd phase (10 injection)

To administer as per Phase 1 and can be injected directly to each individual part such as face, hand or other particular part which need to be reformed.

3rd phase (10 injection)

Recommended to administer by way of I.V. (intravenous) injection as per Phase 1 to enable the formula to help the regeneration of red blood cells for the whole year

Side effect:

It is very safe to use and no side effects have been reported


To be kept in dark and dry place at room temperature. For extended storage, it is suggested to be kept in places with temperature under 26oC.


Not recommended for women during menstruation period

SentienCell™, a product of HB Health, London, UK, is exceptionally good for preventing pre-aging skin. It

enhances the skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines, making skin stay youthful and beautiful. It

restores energy and vitality, and improves the body’s immune system to prevent illness.

With many breakthroughs in human stem cell research, medical practitioners and scientist including physiologists,

neurologists and hematologists begin to discover the potential of embryo stem cells.

Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. When a stem cell

divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell, such as blood cells,

intestinal cells and epidermal cells, with a more specialized function. Scientists also discover that some cells not only

can reproduce themselves, but develop themselves into other types of cells. For example, muscle cells under certain

conditions can be used to develop marrow cells. On the other hand, precursor blood cells can develop into muscle cells

or even liver or brain cells.

Following the new discoveries, scientists regard stem cells as the possible medical solution for treating human

diseases in the future. For instance, stem cells can be used to renew and reproduce cells for damaged organs such as

ears, nose, skin, and breast. Stem cell is alternative to organ or skin transplantation . It helps overcome attempts by a

patient's immune system to reject a transplant. Hence, the

use of stem cells brings new hopes to patients suffering

from burns, injuries, disfigurement or any disease caused

by hereditary factor.

The research on Cytokine began since 1950s when

scientists studied interferon. Research on

colony-stimulating factor also extended the medical interest in Cytokine to the 60s. The rapid advancement in genetic

studies brings many breakthroughs to genetic engineering, making cloning technology flourish in the 80s and 90s.

Human genes are fundamentally made from peptide complex. They are the basic structure that carries biological

message in our body.

Hence, our body cells are not mutually exclusive but they form a complex Cytokine network. The interactions

between genectic factor in the cells produce antagonistic, additive, and synergistic effects. Our genes regulate the

reproduction and division of cells. Apart from regulating cell function and metabolism, they enable the body cells to

identify intrusion and defend against it. Skin problems and premature aging many a time are caused by irregularity in

the cells.

Hence, by regulating and keeping balance at the cellular level, we can restore the natural beauty of the skin.

In other words, the use of Cytokine Network in beauty therapy offers many potentials. In fact, the abilities of stem cells

to divide, induce and reproduce are now widely explored in human biological science. Its rapid progress and high-tech

application poise a great opportunity in beauty care.

SentienCell 5ml x 5amp contains:

Embryonic 600mg
Cytokine 50mg
Coenzyme 100mg
Copper Peptide 50mg
Procaine 10mg

  • As Detox agent, especially for pimples, acne, alcohol drinker, stress and reduces tiredness.
  • Combination with vitamin C enhances the effect of whitening.
  • Reduces heart diseases, depression, reinvigorate sexual function, improve memory etc.

TAD glutathione 600mg - 4ml
polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile

What is Tationil Glutathione?

  • *it is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body antioxidant, immune system booster and detoxifier
  • *it presents in every cell to promote normal function as maintaining the immune system
  • *one of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver
  • *it eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol) in liver
  • *it reconstitutes vitamin C and E which is being oxidized
  • *combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin and stay healthy
  • *fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness

Packing:Each box contains 10x600mg of Glutathione together with 10x4ml distilled aqua for mixingIt is manufactured by Roche, Italy.

Interaction:No known interaction, individual with liver malfunction is not supposed to take this product. Pregnant and lactating women are not supposed to take the injection and other same kind of supplementary.

Dosage and method:1 ampoule weekly by intravenous or intramuscular method.

Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What is glutathione?It is an important chemical that acts as a powerful antioxidant to preserve and protect the brain and other body tissues by protecting them from the damage of free radicals. It also acts to recycle vitamin C & E which also reduce free radicals.

2. What studies prove it work or are there any studies that prove it works?

The landmark study was done by the Department of Neurology, University of Sassari, Italy in 1996. In this study all patients improved significantly after glutathione therapy with a 42% decline in disability.

3. What is glutathione used for?

It has been used to treat all symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, ALS, irritable bowel, and chronic fatigue.

4. What improvement in symptoms can one expect?

Many patients have had profound improvements with respect to reduction of rigidity, increased mobility, improved ability to speak, less depression, and decreased tremor. Glutathione has the added benefit of protecting the brain from free radical damage, thus possibly slowing the progression of the underlying illness.

5. How long can a person take glutathione and how long will the effect last after I stop using it? It can be taken permanently. In the 1996 Italian study the therapeutic effect lasted 2-4 months after therapy was stopped.

6. How long has this treatment been used.

Physicians have been using glutathione infusions for at least 30 years, probably longer.

7. How is the treatment given?

It is given intravenously in the arm by IV push over 10 to 15 minutes usually three times a week in a physician's office.

Tationil Glutathione

What is Tationil Glutathione?

  • it is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body antioxidant, immune system booster and detoxifier
  • it presents in every cell to promote normal function as maintaining the immune system
  • one of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver
  • it eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol) in liver
  • it reconstitutes vitamin C and E which is being oxidized
  • combine taking with vitamin c injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin and stay healthy
  • fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness


Each box contains 10x600mg of Glutathione together with 10x4ml distilled aqua for mixing

It is manufactured by Roche, Italy.


No known interaction, individual with liver malfunction is not supposed to take this product. Pregnant and lactating women are not supposed to take the injection and other same kind of supplementary.

Dosage and method:

1 ampoule weekly by intravenous or intramuscular method.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is glutathione?

It is an important chemical that acts as a powerful antioxidant to preserve and protect the brain and other body tissues by protecting them from the damage of free radicals. It also acts to recycle vitamin C & E which also reduce free radicals.

What studies prove it work or are there any studies that prove it works?

The landmark study was done by the Department of Neurology, University of Sassari, Italy in 1996. In this study all patients improved significantly after glutathione therapy with a 42% decline in disability.

What is glutathione used for?

It has been used to treat all symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, ALS, irritable bowel, and chronic fatigue.

What improvement in symptoms can one expect?

Many patients have had profound improvements with respect to reduction of rigidity, increased mobility, improved ability to speak, less depression, and decreased tremor. Glutathione has the added benefit of protecting the brain from free radical damage, thus possibly slowing the progression of the underlying illness.

How long can a person take glutathione and how long will the effect last after I stop using it?

It can be taken permanently. In the 1996 Italian study the therapeutic effect lasted 2-4 months after therapy was stopped.

How long has this treatment been used.

Physicians have been using glutathione infusions for at least 30 years, probably longer.

How is the treatment given?

It is given intravenously in the arm by IV push over 10 to 15 minutes usually three times a week in a physician's office.
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Protect your skin against sun related effects and aging

Heliocare is an oral dietary supplement with antioxidant properties which helps maintain the skin's ability to protect against sun related effects and aging.

UV from the sun or from a sun/tanning bed has many detrimental effects on the skin. It can directly cause DNA damage and it can create free radicals. Free radicals cause direct cellular damage and this damage is responsible for the premature aging effects on skin.

Heliocare contains antioxidants which are shown to ‘mop up' free radicals before they damage important cellular proteins. Heliocare brings together the unique properties of Polypodium leucotomos fern extract in combination with Green Tea extract and Beta-Carotene which are other powerful natural antioxidants.

As a result it offers significant antioxidant properties to care for the skin:

  • It increases tolerance to the sun (decreases sunburn response)
  • It reduces skin changes after chronic exposure to the sun
  • It helps to maintain the skin's elasticity
  • It provides cell protection in the epidermis (the outer, protective layer of skin)
  • It protects skin cell DNA

Although topical sunscreen formulations provide varied levels of protection against UVB and UVA radiation and protect from burning, they cannot completely stop all harmful UV rays from penetrating the skin. Heliocare works by sustaining the skin's natural ability to deal with sun (UV) related effects and aging.

Heliocare should be used as an addition to sunscreen and other sun barriers (such as protective clothing.) It is particularly useful for someone who is known to have sensitive skin, who has had skin treatments or who wishes to minimise the aging effects of the sun. Heliocare does not reverse damage.


Adults: (no specific study in patients under 18 has occurred)

For Sun Protection: For optimal results, combine with high SPF topical sunscreens and take one capsule daily in the morning. If intense sunlight exposure is expected during the day, take one additional capsule at noon.

As an antioxidant or for photoaging protection: Take one capsule daily.


No studies have been conducted in pregnant women so do not use Heliocare during pregnancy.

Heliocare has been known to potentiate the effect of digitalis extract and any of its derivatives such as digitoxin and digoxin used to treat heart failure.

There are no known side effects associated with Heliocare. Green Tea, Beta-cartene and Heliocare's unique proprietary Polypodium leucotomos extract have been safely used in many European countries and is now available in the USA and Asia/Pacific.


The biggest damage to the skin is caused by UVR (ultraviolet radiation) from the sun The skin ages, skin cells change and the sun’s damage becomes more obvious resulting in wrinkles, age spots, pigmentation and loss of skin elasticity


Heliocare is a capsule that contains Green tea extract, Beta-carotene and an extract of the plant Polypodium Leucotomos (a kind of fern) (PLE) The plant has been used for generations in South America as a folk remedy for skin conditions Interest in PLE grew out of a desire to find substances that limited the toxicity of ultraviolet on skin This fern extract was found to decrease the negative effects of UV and this effect would be valuable in protecting normal skin

Green Tea Extract

Has potent antioxidant activity
Protects DNA
Can regenerate oxidised Vitamin E
An efficient anti-free-radical agent
Polypodium Leucotomos Extract - PLE (Natural Fern)
Increases tolerance to the sun
Has an important antioxidant effect
Protects immune cells in the skin
Protects skin cell DNA
Heliocare brings together the unique properties of a natural fern extract (PLE) in combination with other powerful natural antioxidants - Green Tea Extract and Beta-carotene As a result it offers significant antioxidant properties to care for the skin;

It Increases tolerance to the sun
It reduces skin changes after chronic exposure to the sun
It helps maintain the skin's elasticity
It provides cell protection in the epidermis
It protects skin DNA


UV [from the sun or from a sun lamp] has many detrimental effects on the skin: it can directly cause DNA damage, and it can create so-called "reactive oxygen species" (ROS) or "free radicals" ROS are high energy molecules that collide with proteins and lipids in the cell and cause direct cellular damage This damage is responsible for the effects of UV on skin: premature aging and a prematurely lined and worn appearance

Heliocare works to turn back the sun It brings together the unique properties of a natural fern extract (PLE) in combination with other powerful natural antioxidants - Green Tea Extract and Beta-carotene As a result it offers significant antioxidant properties to care for the skin;

It increases tolerance to the sun
It reduces skin changes after chronic exposure to the sun
It helps maintain the skin's elasticity
It provides cell protection in the epidermis
It protects skin cell DNA


Studies reveal that the antioxidants in Heliocare work against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation to decrease sunburn response, including a significant reduction in the number of ultraviolet induced sunburn cells and DNA damage


Heliocare works as a potent oral antioxidant UV has many detrimental effects on the skin: it can directly cause DNA damage, and it can create so-called 'reactive oxygen species' (ROS) or 'free radicals' ROS are high energy molecules that collide with proteins and lipids in the cell and cause direct cellular damage This damage is responsible for the effects of UV on skin: premature aging

Heliocare contains antioxidants which are shown to mop up free radicals before they damage important cellular proteins Heliocare is taken daily It is active within half an hour of the first dose (unlike many oral antioxidants which take months to build up sufficient levels) Also, because Heliocare is taken orally it is effective in protecting cells deep in the skin - topical antioxidants are usually ineffective in protecting cells at this level Damage to these deeper cells is responsible for many of the signs of photoaging (eg wrinkles)


Importantly, over 12 years of research has confirmed the antioxidant and photoprotectant properties of Heliocare It has shown that the agent is effective when taken in capsule form or used on the skin And it confirmed that the capsule form has no known harmful side effects Oral photoprotection is now the focus of much attention, and has been hailed as the 'photoprotection of the future'


Heliocare is definitely NOT a substitute for good sunscreens and protective clothing It is particularly useful for someone who is known to have sensitive skin, who has had skin treatments or who wishes to minimise the aging effects of the sun It is simply another "layer" of protection It does not reverse damage


After 12 years of trial and 20 years of use in hot climates like Spain no adverse effects have been reported Heliocare has a high safety profile No specific study in patients under 18 has been undertaken


There are NO known side effects associated with Heliocare taken as a dietary supplement Heliocare has been used for over 20 years in Europe


No Do not use Heliocare during pregnancy


Heliocare has been on the market for more than 20 years in Europe without any known adverse effects being reported It has not been carefully studied in patients less than 18 years of age The excretion of active metabolites in breast milk has not been established